Our Mi s s ion i s to become one of the Trus table and Admirable Direct Sales Brand in the Coming year s . Coming together i s a beginning, Staying together i s Progres s , and Working together i s Succes s
Our Vi s ion i s to provide a career-based Platform, where every as sociate will give wings to their Dreams .
YASHASWIENICS i s a direct- selling company offering a range of comprehens ive and quality lifes tyle home product s for everyday life. Our aim i s to deliver the bes t product s directly to our consumer s , who are the core foundation of the company.
We ensure that our network of regi s tered di s tributor s i s trained leader s and consumer s get exclus ive benefit s and profitable opportunities due to the growing dominance of the direct selling indus try in the country.
We seek to invest in high-quality companies that can compound over a multi-year period. We look for businesses with:
Long-term, structural tailwinds and a strong and sustainable competitive position Business models with sticky customer relationships, large economic moat, and ultimately, pricing power Incentivized management teams with a history of successful execution
The next decade will be a transformational one for Yashaswi Genics, as we recruit and develop a new, diverse generation of talent, for a new world of work. This is essential for three reasons. Firstly, we passionately believe that greater diversity will further strengthen our open, inclusive culture. Secondly, diverse teams ask better questions and therefore help us make better investment decisions. Lastly, it is the right thing to do.